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AI has proven to be a valuable tool for SMBs, allowing them to increase productivity, improve customer service, and enhance the skills of their employees. As its adoption expands, we will be able to see even more benefits and different ways of using it that will help them grow and succeed.

65 percent of surveyed small businesses in the U.S. are optimistic that AI will positively impact their business, with 63 percent stating they trust AI to help build their business.

This is a moment for reinvention. In the coming years, businesses will have an increasingly powerful array of technologies at their disposal that will open new pathways to unleash greater human potential, productivity, and creativity. Early adopters and leading businesses have kick-started a race toward a new era of value and capability. And their strategies are underpinned by one common thread – the technology is becoming more human.
Business owners have a discussion
Two business professionals in suits engaging in a discussion on an elevated walkway inside a modern, well-lit office building

Revolutionize Your Business with AI

Join the ranks of top-performing businesses who are already benefiting from the transformative power of AI.

Dentist in white scrubs treating a patient in a dental clinic, while another dental professional works in the background.
Roofers wearing safety helmets and work overalls, installing shingles on a roof, with tools in hand and focused on precise

Who is this for?

Small and medium sized businesses who are looking to leverage AI to automate routine tasks, lower operational costs, automate their sales and marketing efforts, improve client engagement, and grow their business.
  • Retail & E-Commerce
  • Health and Wellness
  • Real Estate
  • Hospitality and Travel
  • Manufacturing
  • Home Services
  • Professional Services
  • Education and Training
  • Logistics and Transportation
  • Technology and Startups

Efficiency is key for small and medium size business owners who aim to maximize their impact while minimizing time spent on administrative tasks. VastBiz's platform streamlines lead management and follow-up by automating these processes, from initial contact to ongoing engagement. This automation frees up valuable time, allowing advisors to focus on what they do best: providing expert financial advice and building meaningful customer relationships.

Efficiency-Seeker CEO

For the

Growth is essential for small and medium size business owners who strive to expand their customer base and increase their revenue. VastBiz's platform empowers growth-oriented CEO's by providing powerful tools for lead identification, nurturing, and campaign management. Our advanced AI-driven solutions automate the process of finding and qualifying leads, enabling advisors to focus on converting prospects into loyal clients. With VastBiz, advisors can efficiently their business, reach new markets, and achieve their growth objectives while maintaining high-quality service and personalized attention for each customer.

Growth-Focused CEO

For the

Tech-savvy small and medium size business owners leverage cutting-edge technology to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving marketplace. VastBiz's platform offers innovative solutions designed for CEOs who embrace technology that enhance their business. Our comprehensive suite includes AI-powered CRM automation, advanced data analytics, and unified messaging across web chat, SMS, social media, and voice. These tools enable tech-savvy advisors to streamline their operations, deliver personalized client experiences, and make data-driven decisions. With VastBiz's, CEOs can seamlessly integrate technology into their workflow, driving efficiency and effectiveness while staying at the forefront of industry.

Tech-Savy CEO

For the

Traditional vs. AI-Enhanced Approaches in SMBs.

AI is set to play a critical role in enhancing the capabilities of small and medium size business owners, driving efficiency, personalization, client satisfaction, and ultimately contributing to the growth and transformation of their business.

One recent report shows that 16% of SMBs (constituting companies employing 1-499 employees) today have fewer than 20 employees, making efficiency crucial. 

Generative AI can help SMBs achieve more output with fewer resources.

Source: Forbes

Turbocharging Efficiencies

Organizations are already seeing material benefits from gen AI use, reporting both cost decreases and revenue jumps in the business units deploying the technology. Looking by industry, the biggest increase in adoption can be found in professional services.

Source: Mckinsey

Driving Growth

A digital rendering featuring a cluster of small, white cubes forming a vertical structure, with blue accents interspersed.

AI Adoption Among SMBs

While Guidant’s 2024 Annual Small Business Trends Report found only 17 percent of surveyed small business owners have incorporated AI into their businesses, interest in this technology remains high. The Small Business Index for Q2 2024 found that 49 percent of businesses surveyed plan to try AI tools.

Similarly, in 2023, as many as 91 percent of small business owners said they were at least “somewhat likely” to consider automation through AI services, like ChatGPT, to stay competitive, according to a Visa Global Back to Business Study.

Source: BankRate

Old Way

Traditionally, business owners relied on manual methods for lead generation, including cold calling, networking events, and client referrals. This approach was time-consuming, often imprecise, and limited in scale, with advisors spending substantial time identifying and qualifying leads with varying degrees of success.

 New Way

AI transforms this process by automating lead identification and qualification, continuously analyzing data to uncover potential clients based on their online behavior and financial interests. This allows for precise targeting and personalized communication, significantly increasing efficiency and conversion rates.

1. From Manual Lead Generation to AI-Driven Automation and  Precision

A close-up view of a grid-like pattern composed of variously sized, white, square tiles.

Business owners should transition to utilizing AI tools for lead generation, benefiting from automated systems that handle the heavy lifting of identifying and nurturing leads, allowing business owners to focus on high-value interactions

Old Way

Marketing efforts often involved broad strategies, such as mass email campaigns and generic advertising, aiming to reach as wide an audience as possible. This "one-size-fits-all" approach resulted in lower engagement rates as messages were not tailored to individual client needs or interests.

New Way

AI revolutionizes marketing by enabling hyper-personalization, analyzing individual client data to create customized content. This ensures that marketing efforts are more targeted, relevant, and effective, leading to higher engagement and retention rates​

2. From Broad-Brush Strategies to Personalized Engagement

A close-up view of a grid-like pattern composed of variously sized, white, square tiles.


Business owners need to adopt AI-powered marketing platforms that can dynamically adjust content and strategies based on real-time data and insights, ensuring that each client receives personalized communication that resonates.

Old Way

Customer support was often reactive, with financial advisors responding to client inquiries as they arose. This approach could lead to delays and missed opportunities for proactive engagement, potentially affecting client satisfaction and retention.

New Way

With AI, customer success becomes proactive and continuous. AI-powered tools like chatbots and provide 24/7 assistance, while AI algorithms can predict client needs and offer timely advice, enhancing the client experience and fostering stronger relationships,

3. From Reactive Support to Proactive Engagement

A close-up view of a grid-like pattern composed of variously sized, white, square tiles.


Business owners need to leverage AI-driven support systems that can anticipate customer needs and issues, enabling proactive engagement and personalized service that enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Benefits & Outcomes

Automated Lead Identification

Leverage to identify and qualify leads based on online behavior, engagement, and other predictive indicators, streamlining the process of finding potential clients.

Put Your CRM on Autopilot

Enhance your CRM capabilities with AI automations and workflows. Integrate with your existing CRM or simply use as your AI-powered CRM to capture and qualify leads, automate workflows, and drive business growth.

Increased Site Traffic and Engagement's auto blogging creates consistent, high-quality posts, saving time and boosting engagement. It keeps your blog active and enhances your online presence effortlessly.

Utilizing's precise targeting and personalization capabilities, SMBs can expect higher conversion rates from prospects to clients.

Increased Lead Conversions's automated lead generation and efficient qualification processes contribute to a larger, more relevant client base.

Growth in Client Base's omni-channel communication capabilities enable seamless client interactions and engagements across the Web, mobile, and social platorms.

Increased Prospect and Customer Engagement

We believe every client is a valuable long-term partner.

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